7.5 Holonomy
Holonomy group is a group that is linear transformation of coordinates in the tangent space.
If the affine connection is a metric connection, in other words, that the length of vector is not changed. We can know that the holonomy group is a subgroup of SO(m), where m is the dimension of the manifold.
So we have a question: why do we need the holonomy group?
感 觉从计算Riemann curvature tensor 开始,计算量都特别大,而且有的概念也不是能够搞得很清楚,因此觉得有必要把 connection 的种类, Riemann tensor, Rich tensor, scalar curvature 等概念以及相关的计算进行总结。
和乐群的重要性的评论,见伍鸿熙“黎曼几何选讲”p57。大致就是说,自从Erlangen Program开始,所有的几何学家都向往用群论来了解几何。和乐群是一个李群,这个李群包含了流形上所有平移的信息,因此,估计了解了这个群,对流形的全部了解也不远了。这个也是S.S.Chern和Cartan当初为什么那么重视它的原因。