


发贴心情 【标准VOA】2008-11-30
Biking To Beat Obesity (1/2) ( 本次听写约157词 )

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The use of auto-mobiles road wides automobiles worldwide is on the ricerise. This is heading has had a major * and help impact on health and lifestyles across the grownglobe. Very populating

Barry Popkin is the direct director of the inter* centeral obesity Interdisciplinary Center of Obesity(肥胖) at the University of North Carolina at touble Chapel Hill. He is has conducted global research on its effect * and environment effect the effects of diet(饮食) and helpenvironmental factors on health.

" In the last 50 the to 60 years, in the post world war in Carolinaera, in both the US U. S. and the other hiring * high-income countries* , we've had a slow * shift in the way we lives, we live so we've become much more secontary and dieters had sedentary(久坐的), our diets have become much richer(富有营养) and sweeter and we have, in the process(过程), become much more happyheavy. "

Gary Gardner. A , a senior researcher World Watch Institue at Worldwatch Institute, says this is * a dieter having a fact dire effect on people. " Obesity in the United States is * * something at epidemic(流行(的)) levels. Something like 60%, something like 2/3 of Americansor * , adult Americans, today are overweight or obesities obese(肥胖的,肥大的) and the transtrend is upward. "

听写于:2008-11-30 14:26 用时:00:09
正确率:66% (+5分) 错词:62个


爱因斯坦语录 17

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.


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发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-28
Foreign Student Series: The Application Process(2/2) ( 本次听写约178词 )

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By comparison, almost have 4,000 international students from more than 100 countries are at Ohio State University. Ohio State is in the midwest Midwest, in the city of commond Columbus, Ohio, and is one of the largest universities in the United States. It has more than 52,000 students.

Wherever you will apply, you should study start the application process at least 2 years before you want to begin your studies. Completing the applications and any required admissions tests all will take time. Non-native English speakers were will most likely have to take the TOEFL, the test Test of english English as a foreign languageForeign Language. We will be discussing the TOEFL and other test tests in the coming weeks.

So far in our series, we talked about choosing schools. We suggested getting help at the nearest educational advising centerEducational Advising Center. The State department Department has advising centers around the world.

We also talked about online education programs and subjects like accreditation and diploma mills. And we talked about students student visas and the job of the SEVIASSEVIS. SEVIAS SEVIS is the student Student and exchange vistor information system Exchange Visitor Information System operated by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agencyagency.

听写于:2008-11-28 12:09 用时:25:12
正确率:87% (+18.5分) 错词:24个


爱因斯坦语录 16

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”


It is the most important function of art and science to awaken this feeling and keep it alive in those who are receptive to it.



发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-27
Foreign Student Series: The Application Process(1/2) ( 本次听写约143词 )

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This week in our Foreign Student Series, we talk about applying to an American college or university. International admission's admissions officers advise students to apply to at least 3 schools. You may be able to apply online and pay the application charge with a credit card, or by mail.

You should study the Websites Web sites of schools that introduce interest you. You can find information about how and when to apply, how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is avaliableavailable. And you can probably email e-mail the admission admissions(招生) office with any questions.

At Whitman collegeCollege, the admission's Website admissions Web site has an area where people can send questions to current international students. Whitman is a small private college in Walla Walla, Washington, in the * northwestPacific Northwest. It has about 1,500 students. 52 of them this year are international students from more than 30 countries.

听写于:2008-11-27 16:58 用时:10:15
正确率:90% (+20分) 错词:15个



发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-26
Health: Keeping Ears Clean (2/2) ( 本次听写约225词 )

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Experters in Experts at N. I. H. , the National Institutes of Health, suggest some ways to treat excessive earwax yourself. They say the wax can be soften softened with * mineral oil(矿物油), * glycerin(甘油) or eargraspsear drops. They say * hydrogen peroxide(过氧化氢) or * * carbamide peroxide(氨甲酰过氧化物) may also help.

Another way to remove waxes wax is known as irrigationwith . With the head upright, take hold of * out the outer part of the ear, gently put . Gently pull upward to straight straighten the ear * canal(耳管). Use * a syringe(注射器) device to gently direct warter water against the worm wall of the ear * then canal. Then turn the head to the side to let the warter water out.

The experters in experts at N. I. H. say you may have to repeat the this process of your a few times. Use warter water that is body temperature, if . If the warter water is cooler or warmer, it could make you feel diseadizzy(眩晕). Never try irrigation if the eardrum is broken. It could lead to infection and other problems.

After the earwax is gone, gently dry the ear, but . But if irrigation fails, the best thing to do is to go to a health care provider for professional assistance.

You should never put the * a cotton swab(棉签) or other object into the ear*ear canal. But you can use a * swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear. The experter * experts agree with the old saying that you shold should never put anything smaller than your earlobe elbow(肘) in your ear.

听写于:2008-11-26 12:08 用时:24:33
正确率:79% (+14.5分) 错词:55个



发信人: yauzhang (penrsoe), 信区: Physics
标 题: <<命运骰子——量子力学简史》(第52章)
发信站: 两全其美网 (Tue Nov 25 08:56:57 2008), 本站(lqqm.net)

第52章 朗之万:全世界只有12个人懂相对论


劳 厄回到普朗克的身边,大大的夸奖了爱因斯坦一番,说爱因斯坦的狭义相对论真是在经典力学的瓦砾之场上建立了一个华美的都城。普朗克也大为所动,于是写信给 爱因斯坦说, 说了半年, 最后的通信让爱因斯坦看到以后心花怒放,因为 普朗克说:“爱因斯坦是当代活着的哥白尼”。
这是一句重话, 相当于现时代,杨振宁给一个大学生写信,说,你是当代活着的牛顿,这话传出去弄不好是要死人的。


历 史的发展并不是一马平川的,而是蜿蜒曲折,狭义相对论的思想已经开始被普朗克等人在学术领域传播,这自然引起了一些观念上的革命,虽然爱因斯坦已经开始准 备发展广义相对论,但狭义相对论的市场化进程却刚刚开始,消费者们还没有准备好接受这一款雷人的新产品。因为狭义相对论说, 两个速度不一样的人,他们的衰老速度是不一样的。那还了得吗?



朗 之万的话一传出去, 新闻界也听懂了,于是报纸上开始不断引用朗之万的这句诡异的话。 这句话实在是太精辟了,看上去就象是一副名画《最后的晚餐》, 尤其是12个人,简直有了上帝的气息。而流言表明,这12个人,大多数是在柏林,而在法国的,显然也有一个人,这个人自然是巴黎的贞操朗之万。


双胞胎悖论中的姐姐上天去了火星一番,妹妹留在地球,等姐姐回到地球,发现自己还是如花似玉的大姑娘,但妹妹已经人老珠黄。 悖论说,那既然运动是相对的,那为什么故事的结局不是姐姐人老珠黄妹妹如花似玉的版本?



如 果读者们回望一百年来的狭义相对论发展之道路,会发现这个悖论一直是一个丰碑。这个丰碑的底座,镌刻这多少前仆后继夙兴夜寐的身影。多少人为了在这个丰碑 上撞死而泪流满面痴心不改,多少人为了这个丰碑茶不思饭不想性欲减退,多少人为了这个丰碑抛妻别子走上了民间科学家的漫漫野路?试想大地苍茫,岁月沉浮如 波涛汹涌,又有多少人真正地理解了这个丰碑的意义?




世界线的长度C小于L。 所以,姐姐的固有时间要比妹妹的固有时间流得慢。也就是说,姐姐是会比妹妹年轻的。







爱因斯坦语录 15

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.



God does not play dice.



发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-25
Health: Keeping Ears Clean (1/2) ( 本次听写约196词 )

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Some people's ears produce wax like busy little bees. This can be a problem even though earwax appeares appears to serve any earwaxan important purpose. Experters Experts say it protects and cleans the ear. It traps durt dirt and other matter and keeps insects out. Durt * Doctors think it might also help protect against infectionsand * . And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting to trytoo dry.

So erawax earwax is goodit . It even has a medical name, : cerumen. And there are two kinds. Most people of European or African and * ancestry have the " wet" kind: thick and sticky. East Asian's Asians commonly have " dry" earwax. But you can have 2 too much of a good thing.

The * glands in the ear can now canal that produce the wax may make too much in some people. Earwax is normally expelled; it falls out of the ear or get wash the waygets washed away. But extra wax can * harden and form a blockage that interference interferes with some wax sound waves and reduces hearing.

People can also calls cause a blockage when they try to clean out their ears . But you -- but only push the wax deep deeper inside. Earwax removal is sometimes necessary. But you have to use a safe method or you could do a lot of damage.

听写于:2008-11-25 12:27

正确率:81 %(+15分)


爱因斯坦语录 14

There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.



发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-24
Growing Crops With Less Water (2/2) ( 本次听写约176词 )

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The Agriculture Department has the a soybean germ class germplasm(胚质) collection, the a collection of genetic material passed from one generation to the next. Members of team DROUGHT study Team Drought studied more than 2,500 examples from the collection.

They look looked at once ones from the ancient* ancestral(祖先的) home of soybeans, Asia. They searched for germ * germplasms that could keep plants from weakening and * wilting(委焉) during hard hot, dry summers in the United States.

Tommy Carter says they found only 5, but this low * . But these slow-wilting lines, he says, produce 4 to 8 bushels(蒲式耳,谷物计量单位,美国 Winchester bushel=35.238升,英国 Imperial bushel=36.368 升) more than normal soybeans under drought conditions. The * dependents yield depends on location and environment.

The team is now doing fewer field teststhe . The first breeding * line is expected to be released next year for use by private seeds seed companies and public soybeans soybean breeders.

Scientists are also working on other plants that easier either use less warter water or use it better, or both. For example, companies like Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta are developing corn with reduced warter water needs. Monsanto expects to be ready in 4 years to market its first corn seeds genetically engineer engineered to * resist drought.

听写于:2008-11-24 15:11 用时:24:54
正确率:84% (+17分) 错词:30个


爱因斯坦语录 13

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?


The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all comprehensible.



发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-23
Growing Crops With Less Water (1/2) ( 本次听写约188词 )

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Scientists are working to develop crop plants that can reduce the amount of warter uesd water used for agriculture. Almost 60% of the world fresh warter withdraws world's freshwater withdrawals from rivers, lakes and other warter water resources go to * toward irrigating fields. Scientist

Scientists are using biotechnology as well as traditional breeding methods to develop warter saving water-saving crops to feed a growing world.

Thomas " Tommy" Carter , he's is a plants plant scientist in North Carolina. He works for the Agriculture or Agricultural Research Service in the United States Department of Agriculture. He leads team * Team Drought, a group of researchers at 5 universities. They have been using conventional breeding methods to develop soybeans that can grow well under dry conditions.

Tommy Carter start his started working on drought resistant drought-resistant soybeans in 1981. His research has taken him as far as China, where soybeans have been grown for thousands of years.

Farmers in the United States, however, have grown soybeans for only about a century. Tommy Carter says the soybeans they grown grow are for the most part genetic genetically similar. More differencesall * , or diversification, could better protect crops against climate changes that can reduce the production. Those changes include warter short water shortages which includes could increase from global warmwarming.

听写于:2008-11-23 12:17 用时:28:01
正确率:85% (+17.5分) 错词:25个



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