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2008-09-28The federal reserved* and other major centre banks poured extra money into finacial market on Thursday. The in was to help * investors and persuade nervous banks to lend to which other. President George Bush canceled travel plans and stayed in Washington on Thursday to make the economic advises about the finacial crisis. He made a brief public statement on the extra marry* measures taken by federal government in recent weeks. He said is * will continue to act to strengthen finacial market and improve investor confidence. Last week, the government took control of the nation's two bigest housing finance companies. And this week, the federal agree to lend up to 85 bilion dollars to the nation largest insurance company AIG the american international group. In return, the government hold only 80 percent of AIG * interest on the two-year along. President Bush says the * AIG could* cuts severe problems in finacial markets and * other parts of economy. AIG got into deep trouble on the insurance policies that provided for security * to * homeload*. It has * every major financial company in the unite states. And operator* in more than one hundred thirty companies.