


发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-10-29
Foreign Student Series: Diploma Mills (2/2) ( 本次听写约185词 )

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In the August, a husband and a wife were sentenced to 3 years in federal person prison in a case in the Northwestern northwestern state of Washington. They operated * university Saint Regis University and more than 100 other diploma mills. These businesses supplied worthless degrees to more than 9,000 people in the United States and around the world. The couple gets got $ 7,000,000dollars.

George gollinGollin, a physics professor at the university University of Illinois, is an expert * on accreditation who help helped investigate the case. He advised advises students to get the exact name of a school they are interested in, then looked look for it on the website * Web site of a group known as CHEA. CHEA is a consol the Council for higher education accreditationHigher Education Accreditation. The address is CHEAchea. org.

Make sure a school or program is accredited by a legally recognized accrediting agency before paying any money. Only registered legitimate schools or and programs are listed on the site. It also lists the only legally regonized recognized agencies.

Experts advised advise students to be suspicious of offers from schools that do not require much work or interaction with teachers. One more in said warning sign is any offer of college accredited credit for like " life experience. "

听写于:2008-10-29 10:30 用时:19:41
正确率:83% (+16.5分) 错词:34个

