


发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-10-30
Financial Crisis Summit Set for November 15 in Washington(1/2) ( 本次听写约197词 )

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Credit markets shown showed signs of some improvement this week. Interest rates for short term short-term loans between banks feel fell, in the a sign that banks may be more willing to lend. But stock markets feel fell on new conserns concerns about company province*profits.

President Bush invited leaders of the group Group of 20 contries countries to Washington on november 15 November fifteenth to discuss the financial crisis. The group includes leading industrialy companies industrial economies and large developing ones like China and India. A Whitehouse spokesman White House spokeswoman said the leaders will seek a common set of ideas for reform of a the world's financial system. The summit is met meant to be the first in the a series of talks.

This week, the Federal Reserve announced the a program to lend up to $ 540,000,000,000 to money market mutual funds. And Treasury secretary Secretary Henry Paulson detail detailed his departments department's new capital purchase program. The Treasury will buy $ 250,000,000,000 worth the non-bonting preserve of nonvoting preferred stock(无表决权的优先股) in helping healthy banks.

HENRY PAULSON: " This is an investment, not an adventure expenditure(开支), and there is no reason to believe the that this program or cause *will cost taxpayers anything. We They will not only own shares that should be pay paid back * with a reasonable return, but also recieve ones will receive warrants(支付单) for common shares(红利、股份) in paying intitutionsparticipating institutions. (大家共同参与的体系)"

听写于:2008-10-30 10:32 用时:26:45
正确率:76% (+13分) 错词:52个

