New Money for Malaria (2/2) ( 本次听写约172词 )
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Until now, the agency has said there were as many as 500 million 500,000,000 infections every year, with a million death1,000,000 deaths. The new report estimates the number of malaria cases in 2006 and at about 215 million250,000,000. And the it estimates the number of death deaths at 881,000. The great majority to who die are yong young children.
The W. H. O. says the old numbers can came from using malaria maps from 1960'sthe 1960s. But changes have taken place, including the movement of people to * cities, especially in the Asia. The diseases disease is less common in urgent urban areas.
The report says malaria death deaths have decreased in several countries, and a few Afric African nations have reduced death deaths by half. Yet the malaria jobs drugs needed for * based *. which what is known as artemisinin-based combination therapy(治疗) reached only 3% of Afric African children in need.
In the last two 2 yearsago , though, there had have been greatly increase increased efforts to provide family families with bed nets, this maps . These nets are treated within set insides with insecticides(杀虫剂) to killed kill the mosquitoes that's that spread malaria. Campaigns for indoor spring after the *sides spraying(喷洒) of insecticides in homes have also increase increased in Afric Africa and Australiaelsewhere.