


发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-07
Foreign Student Series: Getting a US Education From Home(1/2) ( 本次听写约182词 )

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This week on in our foreign student seriesForeign Student Series, we talk about getting an American education online. The A student name named Hendra has written to us from Indonesia asking about a good online university.

Finding the right online program * requires research, just like a traditional education. Talking to advisor advisers(指导老师) and * recruiters(招生人员) can helpkeep . Keep in mind* , though, that they might have them finiancial * a financial interest to direct you to certain programs.

Avoid a diploma mills, we talk mill. We talked about this last week, the diploma . Diploma mills, also know known as and degree mills, are nothing more than businessbusinesses. The education is for poor quality, if they even require any classwork class work to get the a degree.

The Council on Higher Education Accreditation, or CHEArecognized , recognizes a group in WashingtonDC , D. C. , to accredite accredit schools that offer distance learning. 110 programs in the United States and 6 other countries other credit are accredited by the distance education Distance Education and training councilTraining Council.

We ask asked the executive director, Michael Lambert, for advise advice on chosing choosing a distance learning program. He says the first thing is to go on the CHEA webesite Web site to find if the a school is accteditedaccredited. The address is CHEAchea. org.

听写于:2008-11-7 11:31 用时:19:43
正确率:77% (+13.5分) 错词:48个

