


发贴心情 【慢速VOA】2008-11-06
Almost Half of All Deaths Are in People Under 60(2/2) ( 本次听写约168词 )

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Other leading causes of death of lungs are lung diseasecatches , cancers of the winter * windpipe(气管) and lungs, road accidents on robust wayand low birth weight.

The research also shows that between the ages of 14 15 and 60, men have a much higher risk of death than women. The researchers say this is mainly because of injurious injuries from violence, including war. The study found that the Middle East produced 55% of the world's war-died war dead in 2004. The Middle East has about 8% of the world population. Afric

Africa has the highest risk of death for man men under the 60, followed by is Eastern Europe. The report says earlier death early deaths in Eastern Europe are mostly * the result of injuries and heart and lung disease. But death deaths from accidental alcohol poisoning are also common. World wide

Worldwide, almost 15% of deaths in women are of reproductive age in 2004 were later preganancyrelated to pregnancy. More than 500,000 women died of prevatable* problem preventable(可预防的) problems during preganancy pregnancy or child bornchildbirth. Another finding in the report is a prediction that by 2030to , tobacco will cause 10% of all deaths world wideworldwide.

听写于:2008-11-6 13:53 用时:22:26
正确率:82% (+16分) 错词:32个

